Rollator Walker 12er •

Are you looking for a rollator that copes with cobblestones and bumpy streets?

Then the Walker 12er will be your faithful companion when you are heading outdoors.

Its patented syncro steering, 12” big wheels and air-pressured tires guarantee you a very comfortable ride, and it’s perfect for every urban and outdoor area.

Product Reviews    

  • Walker 14er Happiness…

    I bought the Walker 14er for my husband (who didn’t think his mobility was bad enough to warrant a walking aid. However, I thought differently.) After using it for less than five minutes he absolutely loved it and it’s changed his mobility completely…

  • A good purchase…

    I have had my Veloped since Christmas 2021. I unpacked it and assembled it by myself. Since then, I've walked many kilometres through the forest, over hills and valleys. If it doesn't rain, I walk 4-5 km every day without fatigue and without stopping…

  • Veloped Tour 14"…

    I have been using the Veloped Tour rollator with 14-inch wheels every day for two months. The solid construction fully meets the expectations placed on it: ease of movement, low vibration, and mobility especially off-road. The ingenious construction …

  • Simply the best ……

    Supper fast delivery customer service supper fast email service came well packaged

    Comfortable ride easy over rough terrain works really well yes it’s a lot of money however it’s built to last and it will last as the quality is out of this world

  • Veloped Trek is an excellent help…

    With the Veloped Trek I can walk longer distances again with pleasure. It helps me to get upright so that I can breathe better again. Above all, I appreciate that with the Veloped Trek I can walk again without much effort along paths in the park, for…

  • THE best…

    All round great/ fantastic unit. Easy to use, and gets around shops etc with very good manoeuvring. Folds up small. Very happy. I find it's pretty good off-road too.

    I also have a three-wheel Trionic Veloped 14er which is more stable and tougher a…

  • Brilliant product…

    It has been such a relief to get out and about in the countryside and be active again. It easily copes with different terrains, and the support it provides enables me to walk upright easily, as opposed to previously when I could only go a very short…

  • Perfect…

    I bought this rollator for my mother. She is very happy with it and it gives her the confidence she needs. She can walk on her own whenever she wants without the fear of falling. The Veloped is perfect for country paths and roads. It looks elegant a…

  • Excellent Walker…

    This walker really does work exceptionally well. Very pleased with it. It lives in the back of our SUV and is used any time Ann has to walk more than a short distance.

    It doubles up as a seat with the right height to get in and out of as opposed…

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